Authoring a review

Given our contractual agreements with our funders, we have limited resources to take on and support any new reviews or update our existing reviews, but are always open to a discussion. If you are interested in becoming an author with the Cochrane CF, please go to Join Cochrane and set up your Cochrane account if you do not yet have one.

Proposals to update published reviews are considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Cochrane CF initially and we will assess if we are able to support the update and inform you of the next steps in the process. 

Title proposals are submitted via a central portal on Editorial Manager. There is a policy on the format of review titles which should be adhered to as far as possible. More information on the Central Editorial Service and Cochrane's editorial processes can be found here.

We previously produced a list of priority titles for CF reviews; this list was informed by a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership in cystic fibrosis (CF). This exercise involved over 600 people with CF and clinicians in over 23 countries1. Participants were first asked to suggest priority questions for CF research through a free text response to the question: “What question about CF would you most like to see answered by research?” There were over 1000 suggestions! We excluded questions which had already been answered – as shown by our overview of CF systematic reviews and guidelines2. We then grouped questions under an “umbrella question” and used a Delphi approach to reduce the questions to a manageable number for prioritisation. The patient and clinical community then took part in a prioritisation survey and the top 10 research questions were selected in a final workshop. You can find a document linking our existing reviews and protocols as well as our priority titles to the top 10 here.


1. Rowbotham NJ, Smith S, Leighton PA, Rayner OC, Gathercole K, Elliott ZC, Nash EF, Daniels T, Duff AJA, Collins S, Chandran S, Peaple U, Hurley MN, Brownlee K, Smyth AR. The top 10 research priorities in cystic fibrosis developed by a partnership between people with CF and healthcare providers. Thorax 2018; 73(4): 388-90.

2. Rowbotham NJ, Smith S, Prayle AP, Robinson KA, Smyth AR. Gaps in the evidence for treatment decisions in cystic fibrosis: a systematic review. Thorax 2019 Mar;74(3):229-236.