Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis was an enthusiastic team of people who were interested in producing high quality systematic reviews of controlled clinical trials in cystic fibrosis (CF) and other genetic disorders. We had over 1000 active contributors to the Group, 540 of these were review authors located in 41 countries. We also had nearly 400 external peer reviewers, of whom over 60 were consumer reviewers. | |
![]() | Our editorial base was originally location was at the Institute of Child Health (part of Alder Hey Children's Hospital, Liverpool UK), but at towards the end of 2015 we moved to the new Institute in the Park as part of the new Alder Hey Children's Hospital. We remained here until the end of March 2023, when the editorial base for Cochrane CF moved to the University of Nottingham. This central office previously co-ordinated the registration of titles and the production of protocols and completed reviews. It also arranged peer reviewing at each stage of the editorial process and submitted new and updated reviews to the Cochrane Library. |
At the editorial base, we also maintained registers of randomised and controlled clinical trials for each of the genetic disorders in our scope. These registers were regularly updated and included trials identified by searching electronic databases such as MEDLINE as well as by handsearching relevant journals and books of conference proceedings. This valuable resource was available to anyone who was working on a review for the Group. Our trials registers also formed part of the database of trials contained in the Cochrane Library. |