Funding and support to 2023

Until 31 March 2023, the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group was part of Cochrane, an independent not-for-profit consortium dedicated to providing up-to-date, accurate information about the effects of health care. Cochrane's central functions are funded by royalties which come from sales of subscriptions to the Cochrane Library via from its publishers, John Wiley and Sons Limited. Cochrane's individual entities are funded by a variety of governmental, institutional and private funding sources, and are bound by organisation-wide policy limiting uses of funds from corporate sponsors. A list of Cochrane's funders is available here. Enquiries regarding funding should be directed to Cochrane's Chief Executive Officer, Catherine Spencer, at the Central Executive Team.

Until 31 March 2023, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) was the largest single funder of the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group and provided core funding for the Editorial Base. We were previously also partners in a successful bid for an NIHR Programme Grant to undertake a series of haemoglobinopathy reviews. In addition to this, we have received a grant from the National Hemophilia Foundation for a collaborative research project. We would also like to acknowledge past support from the CF Trust (UK).

National Hemophilia Foundation logoCF Trust logo